Do you ever think why you go to school ?
Try thinking about it now..
If you find it because of you're parents told you to, I suggest to quit. 'Cause you won't getting anything useful from it. It'll be A PAIN IN THE ASS....
SO try to enjoy it. Go to school because you want to study, at least to have fun. Not because of your parents.
Now it's homework and tests
Do you hate homework ? To lazy to study for tomorrow 's test ? Then study at school..!!
If you hate doing your homework at home, do it at school. You can do it at break time. Yeah I know it'll reduce your time for break, but at least, when you get home you don't have to be stressed 'cuz of your homework :D. If its a test, then you have to be prepared. Hate studying at home ? study at school. Be sure if your teacher explains the material, pay attention to him/her. 'Cause you never know maybe the materials he/she give is the materials for test.
That's all what I can say :)