Saturday, September 22, 2012

Terkadang, Hidup Menyebalkan

Hello sobat-sobat blogger, apa kabar ??
ini gue ada curhatan malming nih yang mau baca silakan lanjut ajee...

Jadi gini, kemaren siang tuh abis sholat jumat aku uda mikir mau nembak cewe. Nah aku yang mulai smsnya. Eh ternyata si doi bales asiiik... Lanjut deh dari situ, Aku mulai ngasi-ngasi kata-kata romantis, gombal-gombal, nah sampe akhirnya saat menentukan. Aku nanya "mau ga jadi pacar aku" dia masih ngira aku becanda. Yaa sebenernya aku orangnya lucu, enak diajak ngobrol dan sering becanda. Aku bilang kalo aku serius, tapi si doi ga percaya aku uda nyoba yakinin dia dari sore sampe malem, tapi ga ada hasilnya. Terakhir dia sms begini

"Udah gk usah dibahas lgii.. Aku SEBELLL sma kmuu,, aku KECEWAAA sma kmuu,, kmu JAHAT.. Kamu NYEBELIN.. kmu pemBOHONG.. >:O:'("

Wadduuhh... Dalam hatiku 'ni ngambek berat kayaknya' sampe sekarang sms-sms ku ga dibales lagi, sedih ga sob ?? bingung sudah mau bilang apa, ngomong apa, telpon ga diangkat, sms ga dibales T-T sabar aja deh..

yang mau ngasi kritik dan saran dapat mengirimnya lewat komen dibawah. Met malming Mas Bro and Mba Broo....!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Success is not always the first option

Let's see...
if you're doing something but you didn't succeed in first try, then try again. I know it's hard to believe that you had to work all day, all week, even all this year, just to end up being a failure. But, it's not the end. You can always stand up and try again. Of course it need some extra courage, mind, and power to do so. But it's worth it :D


No, not this Courage.

It's Like this :D
Courage is the first thing to have when you want to rise from failure. 'Cause, most people are afraid to wake from failure.



 Another thing that you'll need is mind. If I not make myself clear then, I'll explain a little bit. What I mean with mind, is your condition of thinking. To think of a sweet success, or, to think of another fatal failure.

and the last, is..


To seize the world dream of many men. YOU NEED POWER !!! To rise from failure, You'll need POWER too you know. And it's not Easy

and the last, is..


 The Last Thing that's so simple yet Important Almost ALL OF US forget that decides the results is the GOD itself. All we can do is Pray to GOD that it'll be a success.

Well That's all folks, Hope you have what you need to rise from the pits of hell.

Every Success needs necessary sacrifice